After the creation and hosting of the site on CMS Shopify, without continuous support resources during the whole time it is impossible to realize the full potential of the project. Without quality professional maintenance Shopify website will not be able to take a leading position in the search engine rankings, which in turn will reduce the expected profit. Cetera Labs at the highest level provides information support and maintenance for websites and online stores.
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Information support service Shopify
Informational support of web resources on Shopify is a complex of optimal actions and measures, aimed at timely, prompt updating of text and graphic content. Informational and technical support of websites includes professional service, web server administration, monitoring, filling, changing information components of the site, Shopify refinement, as well as technical issues with hosting and domain resources.
Informational support sites can be carried out independently, which is associated with certain risks, time and money. Therefore, to avoid problems, it is better to use the help of qualified specialists.
Support from Cetera Labs
We specialize in providing services for website promotion and optimization, we provide professional information support for your Internet resource. Cooperating with our company, you can take advantage of one-time support or order a comprehensive service.
One-time information support is suitable in the case where the site owner is not planning to make permanent changes to your project. In this case, you need to prepare materials, publications, specify the necessary tasks, after which our experts will conduct processing, formatting, optimization, placement of information (texts, images) in the appropriate format, taking into account all the wishes of the customer, as a result of which the site becomes more professional look, become attractive for search robots and systems.
Shopify support includes:
- changing the graphical elements, the design of the resource, the optimization of texts for pictures;
- changing the functionality of the resource;
- adding new pages, sections on the site;
- design and placement of banners;
- layout and placement of informative text materials.
Taking advantage of the service's full support our clients are guaranteed to get regular filling sites with new high-quality content, taking into account the requirements of seo-optimization, changes in existing information and graphic materials. The cost of services depends on the chosen tariff plan, which is determined by the number of man-hours. Our specialists will help you to choose the best tariff plan individually.